If you haven't experienced a flight yet, you might not have had the opportunity to use this feature on your smart phone. But if you have experienced a flight, you must have used this feature. But we also use it for other small tasks.

What is Airplane mode?

This mode turns off the wireless functions of our smart phone. This mode can disconnect Cellular Voice, Data Connection and 

temporarily disconnect Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.

This feature is designed to be used during flights. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has declared this as a mandatory reason to prevent disruptions to the flight caused by the waves caused by the phone. That's why turning this mode on becomes an airline rule.

Apple has briefly said about this feature that it should be enabled by the user to "comply with airline regulations".

What can be done in airplane mode?

In this case, our cellular networks will be blocked, so we will not be able to use Call & Messages facilities.

But we all know that Wi-Fi can be turned on even if Airplane Mode is turned on. But before 2013, it was not possible to use Wi-Fi or Bluetooth connection on a flight.

After 2013, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) gives us the opportunity to use Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connection.

But now our plane has Wi-Fi connection and now we can use internet facilities. You can also use our Bluetooth devices. Also, another important thing in Airplane Mode is that it reduces battery drain on our phone, and when this mode is turned on, our battery also charges quickly.

Also, this mode is useful even when we let a small child use our phone. Again, when we play like a game, this feature also helps to prevent the interruption from unnecessary calls.